Ce n'est plus un secret maintenant, mais il était temps de l'annoncer officiellement. La sortie de notre prochain jeu approche. Comme la couverture de l'ouvrage le laisse deviner, il s'intitulera SAGA et il s'agira d'un jeu d'escarmouches situé durant l'âge des Vikings. Nous essayerons de vous présenter quelques détails sur le jeu et la manière dont il fonctionne dans les prochaines semaines, et lever le voile sur ses mécanismes.
En attendant, sachez que ce jeu vous permettra de revivre de manière brutales et trépidante les affrontements entre Vikings, Anglo-Danois, Normands et Gallois durant l'An Mil. Et contrairement à ce que certains pourraient supposer, il ne s'agira pas d'une déclinaison du système de Mousquets & Tomahawks. La sortie? Prévue en Mai, simultanément en version anglaise et française !
Here we are. Saga is going to be our next game. Some readers might already be aware of the existence of this book, as it is going to be released in English by our mates of Gripping Beast, who will act as the publisher for the English-speaking market.
Saga is a game that takes place in the Dark Ages, and is focussed on the skirmishes of that period. Vikings, Anglo-Danish, Normans and Welsh are the factions that the game offers to command on the battlefield.
In the next weeks we will unveil some of the aspects and mechanics of the game. We will be at Salute with a couple of demo tables of Saga, so if you are curious, just come to the Gripping Beast trade stand, and we will be glad to show you how the game work and let you have a sneak peak at the book before its general release in May.
For Muskets & Tomahawks, the English version is near complete. Obviously, Saga has eaten quite a lot of our spare time, especially now that we want to release it at the same time in French & English. But we are confident to be able to send M&T to the printer a few weeks after Salute for a release between May and June.
Sounds very interesting, see you at Salute!!
RépondreSupprimerHoping to see Muskets & Tomahawks (English version) very soon. Do you have an expected date?